I absolutely LOVE writing at home.
These days, I do most of my writing at work. Because, gifted human being that I am, I can accomplish most of the tasks set to me in a day within the first two hours of the morning, on most days, I then spend the afternoons just waiting for emails to come in and the phone to ring. This leaves me free to occupy myself--which, when I can make myself focus, leads to literary production.
Because I'm on a PC at work, I use Microsoft Word. I will state here and now that for the purpose of novel-length writing, Word is terrible. And in general, I still despise Word 07, it's so hard to find anything. ANYHOW, when I'm at home, I get to use the wonderful, amazing Scrivener, which is the absolute perfect software for my creative flow.
An added albeit misleading benefit is that Scrivener counts words different, so I get a significantly longer wordcount at home than at work.
So this evening I came home, and uploaded the text I wrote at work today, inputting it in Scrivener. And lo and behold, my word length at home has passed 160,000 words.
I also just have to tell you that I am utterly overwhelmed by how entirely massive that is.
At any rate, this evening I embark upon a journey, which I hope is successful. My five-day challenge ends tomorrow, and I am so close I can smell it. So, dear friends, wish me luck. Me and Scrivener have a date tonight, and it looks to be rocking!
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4 years ago
1 Additional Hiccups:
As a man who's only ever used a PC, I have a certain affinity for Word, except Word 07 is a horror of horrors, as is Vista. The bad thing about Apple is that whenever you try to send a document to a PC user, errors ensue.
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