I think I would feel cooler if I had discovered this for myself, but no, I simply stole it from Jen's blog. However, I totally thought it was worth passing along.
Old Navy has hidden coupons on their website today, and since I like Old Navy things but don't like their prices under normal circumstances, I thought I would pass along Jen's step-by-step low-down on the 50% off coupon, which I have already snagged for myself also.
Step one:
Go to Old Navy Weekly. You will come to a screen that looks like this:
Click on "Start Hunting"
Step Two:
At the bottom of the page you'll see the "vote for the best legs" option...and I have to agree with Jen here that it's a little scary, seeing as they're mannequins and they have plastic-formed legs. Although, I'm not going to lie that their commercials make me laugh. Anyhow, you have to vote, and in perfect keeping with our society today, you must give EACH mannequin the full five stars. It will look like this:
Step Three:
Wait. After 10-20 seconds, a tiny kite will start moving through the page. It will start in the lower-left part of the horizon and move upwards and to the right. Can you see it below?
You must click on the kite. And watch it, because it moves pretty quickly to hide behind the mannequins!
Step FOUR:
Once you successfully click on the kite, you'll immediately see this screen:
Click on "Add to your in-store coupon." At this point, you'll see THIS screen:
Step SIX:
Click on "Make Coupon" and this will pop up on the screen:
You can either print the coupon directly from here, or have it emailed to yourself. I emailed it to myself so that I'll remember that I have it when I get home from work and actually have the opportunity to use it! On what, I don't know yet, but hopefully something cute!
PS: Thank you Jen for not penalizing me for outright blog-thievery. O_o
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